Monday, April 12, 2010


Dear Blogger,
This is officially my last post ever going on to here. I know I said I was going to go through a whole year of this...but honestly, priorities! I don't have time to be on the computer as much as I am, and this is filling up a lot of it! I shall still be taking a pic every day, but for shall see my facebook d:
I have a job seen in the picture, and I pretty much am super busy trying to get a car, college, and getting paid and such.
So thank you for reading this religiously as I have failed to write it d:
However, I'm done talking about myself 24/7.
I bid you farewell forever, Mandy

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was not the best of days, nor was it the worst of days. But let's go with the latter.
I schooled all morning. Attempted to make a video, failed. Went to PSSA's for 3 hours and listened to the same kid as yesterday talk about his life with his girlfriend and "not" taking dirty pictures...?!?!?! And how his dad is an Elvis impersonator and how he hates his life...I feel bad for him and I'm prayin for him :/ Three hours later I headed to the mall where I was clothes shopping there for 3 hours with two bickering and emily O_o AHHHHHHHHHH. 3 freakin hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is a hectic day. Pray God shows me where He wants me to work, and opens it up for me! Interview tomorrow morning!
Completely head over heels with Jesus, Mandy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was filled with TESTING! -_- I hate stupid state testing. It's ridiculous and I'm there for freakin 4 hours. Either way I don't think I failed as much as I thought I would d:
I had subway today (:
I also fell down the stairs...surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) this happens about twice a month. Thin socks + Carpeted stairs = me falling. Oh it's fun, I'm going to punch a hole in the wall one of these days.
It was so freakin hot today! It's like winter went away with a snap of a finger and summer decided to skip over spring!! But the trees are green now (: And lilacs are out and it's glorious and, even some blue! I love summer so much.
Random Fact: I talk to myself. No really...all the time. Especially when I'm working at the barn by myself, I mean...I could say I'm talking to the horses...but really I'm having full out conversations with myself! Let me explain, if I'm really excited about talking to someone or have to ask someone something...I will completely go over the whole conversation in my head, guessed responses and all. I's weird. The conversations never go as planned d:
Folden some LAUDREY!YY!!!, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
So last night I went to KelLee's and we had a fun craft day with our masquerade masks! I'm so excited for the dance Friday (:
I also got my 1adaymyles shirt from Kells that Myles had dropped off there! YAY! Now I can advertise (:
So I was applying for a grocery store today when this old man sits down at the Blood pressure analyzer and is like "hmm..I don't know if this thing will work." and I say, "why's that?" and he's like "It's not going to be very accurate with this beautiful girl sitting in front of me!" I was like "O_O heh...heh...I'm sure you'll be fine" and he's like "I'm going to have to cover my eyes the whole time!" And he did -_- hahaha. Old men. So funny...always hitting on me o-O
So I was praying outside of the store today and I was chatting with Jesus...just asking Him to help me not limit Him in choosing where to get a job, and for Him to lead me where He wants me to go. I opened my eyes. And there lay Arby's. (NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo)So yeah...I went in and asked if they were hiring, of course the response would be "YES YES! HERE IS AN APPLICATION! DO YOU WANT TO BORROW A PEN?!!?" -_-
Then they asked me to have an interview.
Got me a free drink.
Sat me down.
Talked about the minimum wage pay.
And how I might have to work at 5am, and sometimes leave at 2am.
Either way I'm not thrilled, but I'm going back Friday for another interview :/ If this is God wants me missions field to be then so be it! I shall do it with a happy heart (:

My knee hurts sooo bad, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
This pic was taken at about 6:15 AM! We have the volleyball tourney today!!
  • The ref thought I was a man!
  • Julio came!
  • We had some awesome hacky sackness...*glances to the side*
  • Babysitting! d:
  • We got 2nd! But we should've gotten first :/
  • Icing my knee -_-
Yeah. Fun day (:

So SORE, Mandy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I took off my bracelets for the tournament )):
I've had these bracelets on FOREVER.
Sorry I'm so behind with this I've been crazy busy.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was filled with sun and grass and the breeze and laughter and atmosphere with Jesus it was just incredible.
I have so badly missed this weather.
Bare feet.
Late sunsets.
Early mornings.

Thank you Jesus for keeping me alive another day (:
Eyes are drying out, Mandy