Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Dear Blogger,
So what? I like sippie cups. Sue me.
I worked on school allllll morning and then I went outside to enjoy some of God's amazingness (:
I love...
  • Warm weather
  • Doing my devotional time with God outside in His creation!!
  • Drawing outside
  • Going barefoot
  • Mud (:
  • My Jesus
  • Tree frogs and that peeping sound they make at night...
  • (Sippie cups) (;
  • NOT driving stick and stalling in intersections ):<.
  • Seeing awkward couples in the mall fondling...O_o...not...
  • Dress shopping...NOT. AHHH.
I miss Molly :/

Stressed and ready for bed, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
So last night (it's actually the 16th) I was laying in bed at like 11:30, half asleep. When I realized...I didn't do my blog. BUM BUM BUM. So I snapped a picture of my grossness before going to bed...and here we are O_o
"Today" was good! After school we ran around, going to random places. I visited Sophia's again because I had applied to there, turns out they had lost my application!! (Thanks for telling me heh.) So I filled out another one and they gave me an interview, I'm really praying they call me!
Then I went to Perkins and filled out an application, and I saw Anna! Boy, I miss that girl!! We had a good talk, as I filled it out, then I also applied to Friendly's..ha.
So that pretty much sums up my day. Bible study was supposed to be tonight...but it didn't happen :/

Yarg, Mandy