Monday, April 12, 2010


Dear Blogger,
This is officially my last post ever going on to here. I know I said I was going to go through a whole year of this...but honestly, priorities! I don't have time to be on the computer as much as I am, and this is filling up a lot of it! I shall still be taking a pic every day, but for shall see my facebook d:
I have a job seen in the picture, and I pretty much am super busy trying to get a car, college, and getting paid and such.
So thank you for reading this religiously as I have failed to write it d:
However, I'm done talking about myself 24/7.
I bid you farewell forever, Mandy

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was not the best of days, nor was it the worst of days. But let's go with the latter.
I schooled all morning. Attempted to make a video, failed. Went to PSSA's for 3 hours and listened to the same kid as yesterday talk about his life with his girlfriend and "not" taking dirty pictures...?!?!?! And how his dad is an Elvis impersonator and how he hates his life...I feel bad for him and I'm prayin for him :/ Three hours later I headed to the mall where I was clothes shopping there for 3 hours with two bickering and emily O_o AHHHHHHHHHH. 3 freakin hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is a hectic day. Pray God shows me where He wants me to work, and opens it up for me! Interview tomorrow morning!
Completely head over heels with Jesus, Mandy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was filled with TESTING! -_- I hate stupid state testing. It's ridiculous and I'm there for freakin 4 hours. Either way I don't think I failed as much as I thought I would d:
I had subway today (:
I also fell down the stairs...surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) this happens about twice a month. Thin socks + Carpeted stairs = me falling. Oh it's fun, I'm going to punch a hole in the wall one of these days.
It was so freakin hot today! It's like winter went away with a snap of a finger and summer decided to skip over spring!! But the trees are green now (: And lilacs are out and it's glorious and, even some blue! I love summer so much.
Random Fact: I talk to myself. No really...all the time. Especially when I'm working at the barn by myself, I mean...I could say I'm talking to the horses...but really I'm having full out conversations with myself! Let me explain, if I'm really excited about talking to someone or have to ask someone something...I will completely go over the whole conversation in my head, guessed responses and all. I's weird. The conversations never go as planned d:
Folden some LAUDREY!YY!!!, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
So last night I went to KelLee's and we had a fun craft day with our masquerade masks! I'm so excited for the dance Friday (:
I also got my 1adaymyles shirt from Kells that Myles had dropped off there! YAY! Now I can advertise (:
So I was applying for a grocery store today when this old man sits down at the Blood pressure analyzer and is like "hmm..I don't know if this thing will work." and I say, "why's that?" and he's like "It's not going to be very accurate with this beautiful girl sitting in front of me!" I was like "O_O heh...heh...I'm sure you'll be fine" and he's like "I'm going to have to cover my eyes the whole time!" And he did -_- hahaha. Old men. So funny...always hitting on me o-O
So I was praying outside of the store today and I was chatting with Jesus...just asking Him to help me not limit Him in choosing where to get a job, and for Him to lead me where He wants me to go. I opened my eyes. And there lay Arby's. (NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo)So yeah...I went in and asked if they were hiring, of course the response would be "YES YES! HERE IS AN APPLICATION! DO YOU WANT TO BORROW A PEN?!!?" -_-
Then they asked me to have an interview.
Got me a free drink.
Sat me down.
Talked about the minimum wage pay.
And how I might have to work at 5am, and sometimes leave at 2am.
Either way I'm not thrilled, but I'm going back Friday for another interview :/ If this is God wants me missions field to be then so be it! I shall do it with a happy heart (:

My knee hurts sooo bad, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
This pic was taken at about 6:15 AM! We have the volleyball tourney today!!
  • The ref thought I was a man!
  • Julio came!
  • We had some awesome hacky sackness...*glances to the side*
  • Babysitting! d:
  • We got 2nd! But we should've gotten first :/
  • Icing my knee -_-
Yeah. Fun day (:

So SORE, Mandy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I took off my bracelets for the tournament )):
I've had these bracelets on FOREVER.
Sorry I'm so behind with this I've been crazy busy.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was filled with sun and grass and the breeze and laughter and atmosphere with Jesus it was just incredible.
I have so badly missed this weather.
Bare feet.
Late sunsets.
Early mornings.

Thank you Jesus for keeping me alive another day (:
Eyes are drying out, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
Today was awesome beans. The weather was nice which made me happy (: And Kristen came over and we made videos! Make sure to check em out on youtube d:
So yeah today was fun and I cannot believe its APRIL O_o

I'm gonna go volleyball it up with Emily.
So long fellow bloggers! Mandy

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I woke up to Emily drawing things on my face with lipstick. Later on that day I was moving some boxes into the garage and this stuff got all over my hand and arm?! I think the boxes were fooling me as well. Either way, I do not like April Fools Day. It just confuses everyone and everything gets messed up! I'm glad it's just about over.
Today actually was not a very good day. I did school all morning, and then I went to volleyball...where I was determined to have a good time, but never fails to get me down because of somebody. YARG. Stupid relationships ruin like everything haha. I never want to be in one again. *lies*.
Then we got home where I had like 10 minutes before I left for work! So after the strenuous work out at practice I had to clean 6 stalls which seemed to take forever, and I'm still so sore and bleh...either way I'm energy drained.
I got home and relaxed a bit, cleaned my room up, and attempted to do my math test. Which is now finished; however, poorly. :/
Either way, I'm glad for friends who seem to know just when to talk to you and cheer you up. But right now I want to sleep.
Ta ta for now, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
This is being written late because of the following...
I was picked up at 5:30AM and taken to Catering! Where I was with this kid named Drew and we made pie sculptures and old men flirted with me. Oh, it's jolly fun. I got $100 for watching people eat and restocking. Easy enough, just entirely boring when you're sitting there for...5 hours, plus the 2 hour drive.
It was fun though, I always have fun with that group (:
Then I went to Marissa's house! We hung out and made videos and went on walks and ran into emo children *cough* Micah *cough* and it was great...Marissa almost died! Wonderful! -_- She scared the poo out of me. Then after making like a bunch of videos I went to her church, which was also really good! I like their church because it's very discussion-like. You don't have to be afraid to mention something during the service, or ask a question.
I went home that night where this pictures was taken. I spent 3 or more hours rendering/editing the videos we made and they kept messing was ridiculous. I FINALLY got them up on youtube. But then Marissa told me she wasn't allowed to be in videos on youtube. So I had to private them ):
Either way it was a stressful/fun day d:
Irk, Mandy

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was gorgeous even through the wind and rain! I schooled all morning, and my video got done processing!
I'm so excited to have my flip here (:
I worked today! God is so amazing, I was wearing this plastic poncho like thing, but it was like...heavy plastic. INSANE. I was being blown around like a balloon it was crazy. But awesome!
Bible study was tonight. Fun stuff. I love those kids!
Alright well I'm getting up super early to cater again, so I have to be outta here at 5:30am! Geez. It's going to be a boring job too...I need someone to talk too :/

No eyebrows, Mandy

Monday, March 29, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I am so incredibly happy for this small revelation (: We went through so much crap to get this thing to me. (Thanks dad!) And now it's here! And I've been shooting in High Def (:
Besides that I was supposed to be doing school all day, but failed. So! I shall be vigorously doing it tomorrow! It's crazy...*sigh* school ruins everything.
So how are you? Haven't asked you in a while. I'm pretty much super excited for summer. However, a little worried I wont' be able to get my license this summer :/ Insurance is something I have to pay for, and if I don't have a job...then I don't get my license ): Saddness.

Needing to get back to a normal routine, Mandy

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Dear Blogger,
We got home today! And spent like 3 hours here and then went to church! Yay! Dad and I were listening to My Sister's Keeper in the car on the way here and it kept swearing and whatnot...really awkward, so we turned it off.
My flip should be here tomorrow.
I'm excited.
Talking to a fro-ed boy, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
We got up super early and drove to NC! I slept in a closet. Fun stuff.
I'm super tired.



Dear Blogger,
Spent all day with Tory! (Who is creeping in the background..) This was so fun (: And I don't like that I'm writing this like two days late, because we can't get on blogger or anything at this college! They have so many dang rules!
But in short this trip was awesome and I don't know if I will end up going there, however, it really reassured me about what I want to do, hopefully d: Media production and graphic design! Yay!
I had a good time with the Goldens too, even though the food was bad, Tim didn't think so, but hey. I got kind of sick.
Fun day.
(: yay college life.

Writing this like 2 days after...Mandy


Dear Blogger,
We traveled from Georgia to Florida today, it was insane and such a long trip.
The little guy sitting on my lap is Drake, he is ADORABLE. And didn't find it strange at all that a group of strangers were sleeping in his living room, actually he was quite excited haha.
We finally made it to the college today!
The Goldens were there!
And Tory!
And a bunch of other people I know (:

Ttyl, Mandy

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Dear Blogger,
You may be wondering where I am.
I'm in Georgia!
What fun what fun.
I'm holding a random persons cat who used to go to our church.
In her house.
On her floor.
Stealing the neighbors wifi.
I've been riding in the car for 13 hours.
NEVER go to a BK in Tennessee.
Emily is officially frightened of burly black men.
I love books on CD.

Easy peasy butter cheesy, Mandy

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Today was filled with joyous times working at the barn, sleeping, and going to the Burnhams! Fun stuff. I held a few baby goats (:
I saw a few people at Ross was really awkward. The one broke up with my friend Joshfa. I was going to beat her up but I didn't want to cause a scene. I really wouldn't do that....heh....
Well I'm leaving to Florida tomorrow! So Adios! Farewell! Hopefully I will be able to blog this week. heh.

Headachefully, Mandy

Monday, March 22, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I'm kind of really lonely tonight...and I'm not certain why?
I don't like when people let me down.
Who does?
Either way I'm having an emo moment.
Maybe it's because I'm hungry.
This chapter was meh.
Goodnight World, Mandy

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Random Fact: I love hair bows d:
Well hi! I'm really excited right now because as of late I have been feeling like God is kind of distant (but who moved?)...and whenever that feeling comes around I know I have something in my life that is preventing me from being wholly "holy" through Him. Tonight's message was amazing! Me and God had a nice talk, and this computer is a big reason for my distancing.
I love my Jesus.
I hate when I stray.
I can't afford it.

Gettin off this thing before I go crazy, Mandy

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Not only was it my mom's birthday. But it was also amazingly gorgeous outside!!! I loved the weather. Like, every bit of it.
Blogger is doing that weird thing with text again...I don't know why it chooses to be difficult.
So today was great! I had some amazing Jesus time outside in the warm weather and breeze, then I went to the mall with my dad where I had a nice $1.05 burrito :D
Myles came over! I'm working on something with him for AwkwardMandy, but I don't have my flip yet, so he is the helpful hand with a video camera in it :D No really he's awesome I would be stuck without him ha.
I think God is trying me when it comes to technology, I have met no one with worse luck when it comes to things like this. Honestly. I think my flip was stolen and it didn't even arrive yet. Either way I have to make sure not to make anything my idol :/
Well it's time to hit the hay!

Bushed, Mandy

Friday, March 19, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I finally remembered! It's about time.
I look like an elf in this picture.
But no really I woke up this morning with a ginormous migraine. It was killer. I ended up passing out on my floor after taking some Excedrin and praying for healing. It went away (: Thank you Jesus!
I was still feeling really nauseous and sick when I went to volleyball so I didn't do much of the workouts and such, however it was a decent practice I suppose. Andrew was the only one who showed up to coach (for the seniors) was ridiculous! We were missing a lot of kids too, but he handled it well! So it was good. I feel like none of us are ready for the the least. I won't be here next practice because I'll be in Florida, and I'm afraid it will be a disaster. That's what happens when coaches leave :/
After slumming it around at my house, not doing school..heh. Opa came over! You see, I never get to see my extended family, I only see my grandfather about twice a year. So it was really nice to see him and everything...but my friend also really wanted me to take pics at his show tonight. So I spent some time with my Opa and then dad was kind enough to drive me to camphill for Derek's show! I didn't get many good pictures, but that's because of the lighting! (At least I can blame the lighting..heh.) But yeah, there are two of the pictures of many. Most of them are on my facebook!
It was fun. But really awkward considering I was sitting between him and his ex and they were talking to each other hahaha. Oh well it was fun (:

Excited for the future, Mandy

P.S. Look what my cat did to me today! Not purposely...she lost her balance and fell...taking my legs along with it. There's more on the other leg too...


Dear Blogger,
I forgot again! AHHH!
At least I took a picture d:
Today was boring :/ I helped mom go shopping because she wasn't feeling well, and then I came home and went to work, where the weather was BEAUTIFUL. The sun was shining and there was a breeze! I got a "Tan" more! ha But it's something!
I love spring!!!

Till next time, Mandy

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Wow I'm failing so miserably at keeping this blog up to date! I'm writing this on the 18th because I totally forgot to do this yesterday! AH! I got lucky because I just happened to take this picture yesterday, if I hadn't I wouldn't have a picture for the day O_o I think if I forgot to take a picture, I would end this project...stupid failure ha.
Okay so I had to drive the stick again today and it was miserable...we got stuck on this hill and I couldn't do it. Dad made me switch ):
Then I went to KelLee's where we enjoyed the sunshine, some ice cream, and long chats d: I love that girl! Too bad I ate her out of house and home.
KelLee: Hey are you hungry?
Me: I could eat.
I then proceeded to eat a "HungryMan" meal.
Me: Okay I'm full now.
KelLee then ever so foolishly pulled out some crackers, bananas and peanut butter. After eating most of it...
KelLee: I thought you weren't hungry anymore?
Me: Oh yeah...I forgot...
Anyway, so then I had church! It was so amazing! Last week, as you know, 5 girls got saved, and this week I saw these three boys playing basketball. I went up to them and asked if they wanted to take the survey with me, they said yes, and one of the girls from last week was with them encouraging to take it too! All three got saved! The angels were rejoicing! Jesus' children had come home (: I was/am SO HAPPY.
Church was grand :D
I made a video again. Oh my.

Excited over heavenly things, Mandy

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Dear Blogger,
So what? I like sippie cups. Sue me.
I worked on school allllll morning and then I went outside to enjoy some of God's amazingness (:
I love...
  • Warm weather
  • Doing my devotional time with God outside in His creation!!
  • Drawing outside
  • Going barefoot
  • Mud (:
  • My Jesus
  • Tree frogs and that peeping sound they make at night...
  • (Sippie cups) (;
  • NOT driving stick and stalling in intersections ):<.
  • Seeing awkward couples in the mall fondling...O_o...not...
  • Dress shopping...NOT. AHHH.
I miss Molly :/

Stressed and ready for bed, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
So last night (it's actually the 16th) I was laying in bed at like 11:30, half asleep. When I realized...I didn't do my blog. BUM BUM BUM. So I snapped a picture of my grossness before going to bed...and here we are O_o
"Today" was good! After school we ran around, going to random places. I visited Sophia's again because I had applied to there, turns out they had lost my application!! (Thanks for telling me heh.) So I filled out another one and they gave me an interview, I'm really praying they call me!
Then I went to Perkins and filled out an application, and I saw Anna! Boy, I miss that girl!! We had a good talk, as I filled it out, then I also applied to Friendly's..ha.
So that pretty much sums up my day. Bible study was supposed to be tonight...but it didn't happen :/

Yarg, Mandy

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Dear Blogger,

Okay, enough caps. Either way I learned in church today that I really need to stop talking "about" people. I have a problem with talking to people about others, and I need to stop! So yeah. No more frivolous chats...heh.

Short and sweet, Mandy

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Dear Blogger,
our power is out.
so this is me at giant.
with someone creeping in the background...
who IS that?!?!

Creeped Out, Mandy
Hey I'm back! So our power came back on YAY! And I just noticed in my picture I look like such a 5 year old. But that's okay, the attention is quickly averted to Myles in the background.
So I woke up to no power this morning! The fam and I headed to Brannigan's house where we hi-jacked his shower and ate him out of house and home. I also owned him at Supersmash bros...okay only like twice, but it was with Kirby. My man.
We got home just in time for Myles to come over! We were planning on making videos...which didn't happen because of the lack of light in the house. So we went with mom to the mall...
  • Awkward meeting with old family friends who didn't recognize me
  • Myles turned invisible and people were walking into him
  • Me throwing my wallet at some ladies butt, Myles throwing his phone at someones kiosk.
  • Getting yelled at for recording in the mall.
Yeah it's all in jolly good fun.
We then headed to Giant where we kind of sat around on the computer and contemplated making a video...but only half made it. Either way it wasn't very productive. We then parted ways with a little "faretheewell" and we rushed to Marissa's house!
You see, Marissa called me yesterday and told me about this catering opportunity! (Not anything like the last one HA) I need money = I shall work! I was supposed to go dress shopping with KelLee though :/ Arg.
Well I changed in the car into some fancy pants white/black outfit. We got to the bed-and-breakfast and started serving! I pretty much had no clue what I was doing and was thrown into it! I picked up on it pretty fast and we had everyone's orders in and everyone fed in no time. It was fun; however, I do not want to wash that many dishes again.
You know I'm around people who love Christ all the time that when I'm not...I just...I don't know, it's just so WEIRD. No class. Ha. No really, I feel like...they don't realize that their life could have so much more meaning than what they're perceiving it as, and it frustrates me.
This sounds cliche...but,
You have one life. What are you going to do with it? Who are you going to impact?

Not-so-creeped out anymore, Mandy

P.S. So Marissa and I were sitting out on the porch waiting for our ride, when some people came out to smoke. So we were walking to the other porch, when we realized there were people smoking there too. We kind of knew the lady who was smoking on the second porch who waved goodbye and said "have a goodnight girls!" So instead of saying "oh we're not leaving yet" and going back inside, we decided to walk out into the abyss of darkness in the water laden parkinglot and sit on the cold, wet ground until her dad came. We thought this would make it less awkward; however, it did just the opposite. Whenever people came out to get their cars we weren't sure if we looked like creepers sitting around them, so we would stand up and act busy. It was weird.

P.P.S. Some people have really weird conversation starters..."So how many armadillos did you see in Tennessee?"

Friday, March 12, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Youtube ate my life away this morning.
I did school AFTER volleyball, which was the best practice so far this semester!! (:
Blogger is doing that stupid thing again where it writes over my picture -_- Anywhoo, then
the Houser's came over! And we played some games and what not. Either way I'm excited
for tomorrow (:
News of that will come tomorrow of course.
I don't like certain things about past experiences...sometimes I don't think I'd mind moving
back to least I would get away from everything :/

I sound emo. ha.
Thoughtfully, Mandy

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Day 70.
So how are you? I'm grand (: Listening to some Phil Wickham, talking to this guy from my church who is quite...the...character...
I babysat this morning! We went outside and made a TP! (A bunch of sticks stuck in the mud) and we had a picnic! (a beach towel on the deck with Parmesan cheese EVERYWHERE)
Came home and did a bunch of school...which I never COMPLETELY completed...d:
Then I went to work! Which was AMAZING! I love working outside, it was the calm before the storm and the warm wind was just...God given. I stood outside for a whole like 10 minutes awe. Praising Him, I LOVE MY JESUS. Yeah...He is incredible.

I'm so in love with my Saviour...

In awe, Mandy

P.S. This same kid just revealed his "like like" for me...oh dear...*shoots down* d:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Dear Blogger,
This is what my cat does...she's so rude.
GUESS WHAT!!!!?? I was out with my youth group today going door-to-door as we always do. And you see, yesterday morning one of the messages at the bible conference was about the Pentecost and how everyone there prayed about 10 hours a day for 3 days, and somehow that came to about 4 hours of prayer for each soul saved? 3000 were saved? I don't know the numbers, but either way I was itchin to get people to Christ! So I prayed that someone if not multiple people would come to the Lord. Little did I know...
I was with this girl Samantha in my youth group and we were going door to door, mostly being rejected, argued with by Catholics and Methodists, which is kind of fun by the way, and given dirty looks because we interrupted their dinner. Oops.
As we walked to our last two houses I saw out of the corner of my eye this group of girls, two on bikes and the rest were walking, kind of that neighborhood hang out kind of feel that I REALLY miss. We heard them mocking us and laughing about how they thought we were girl scouts selling cookies. It just made me smile.
I was debating whether or not to approach them, I didn't know how old they were, or if Hannah had talked to them already, because they were on her side of the street. I sucked up whatever fear was ailing me, turned around and marched toward them as they yelled out something about Thin Mints.
"I would LOVE some Thin Mints right now, unfortunately I don't have any." I said with a shrug and a smile.
The girls moaned, "we were hoping you were girl scouts! Can we buy some snickerdoodles?" They all burst out in joined laughter.
I laughed with them, "well since we don't have any cookies, would you guys like to take the survey with us?" What seemed to be the "leader" of the girls stepped forward and said "sure" with a smirk. I grinned, this would be fun.
"What's the most important thing in your life?" I watched the girls reactions to the questions, they were acting really arrogant like most almost-teen girls do.
The "leader" girl, who I later found out was Emma, said "FAMILY!" And all the girls laughed along with her, funny how that seemed to be the day.
"What does death mean to you?" All but one of them got a terrified look on their face.
Scared, frightened, freaky, and not ready, were just some of the answers I received from them. One girl said "I know I'm going to heaven, I'm not scared." I asked how she knew that. "I don't do bad stuff." She said simply. Her friends immediately disproved that, all teasing and laughing at her. "Okay, fine...I'm not perfect" She said and folded her arms.
I then went on to ask if they were 100% if they were going to heaven, they said yes at first. I asked how they knew. "Well I go to church sometimes, I don't do bad things."
"And because you're ALMOST perfect, God is going to let you into a completely perfect heaven?" I watched as they all suddenly got a little more serious.
"I guess not..." Emma said, the giggling was no longer evident. I smiled and shared with her about Jesus, and how even though we have sinned He still loves us enough to die for us, and pay that penalty. I explained how every sin we commit has to be paid for, this payment is death. But "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1 John 1:9b She immediately folded her hands and asked if she could pray. I smiled and said "of course" and asked if her friends wanted to pray too. They all nodded and in unison all 5 folded their hands and bowed their heads, I asked them to repeat after me, and to only pray if they meant it in their heart.
They all prayed.
I'm going to see those girls in heaven someday (:
My heart is leaping.
I LOVE doing God's work.

Unworthy, Mandy

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Why do I always feel the need to tell everyone everything?
Always speak my mind?

Frankly, it's getting annoying.

AHHHH, Mandy

Monday, March 8, 2010


Dear Blogger,
God blessed us with some magnificent beastly sun today!! The weather was most definitely confusing considering there was snow on the ground but I was wearing capris! Either way it was amazing outside.
Naturally, I got Emily to grab her bike with me and we biked to the park! And videod :D
Then after picking up like 90 milliliters of dog poo (yes I said it..) I went to church for the bible conference. Which was really good!
However, in the middle of it I got a scary text and ended up jumping out of my skin the rest of the night. After church we bolted out to rescue my friend in need...when we got to her house she said she didn't need me anymore. But that's okay! I'm just praying that she and her family are alright :/

Pray for them if you get the chance.

Kind of stressed, Mandy

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I don't know why I'm failing so terribly with keeping up with this blog!'s probably just because after I miss it once, it's really easy to miss it more. Nevertheless, as long as I still write about my day or on the day, I'm good!
So church was today and Steffen came in the evening! I've been trying to get that kid to come back to church for so long, and he finally did, but just because he's living with his grandparents right now. Either way I was glad he was there, he makes me laugh. He is such a flirt with everyone on the face of the earth ha.
I didn't do much today except for edit pictures for the coffee house the other night...and they didn't even turn out that great :/ I don't know how I'm going to take pictures for the battle of the bands. AH.
Trying not to gripe, Mandy

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Dear Blogger,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIO. Okay I'm done. I said I would say it to him every time I see him....but alas I think it's getting old. So that's the last time^. And his birthday was actually on the 4th...
Well I woke up about 23049823 times in the night because of KelLee's guinea pigs, her roommate Ashley, and Ashley's phone O_O. It was ridiculous. Either way it would be great if I had had more sleep.
After lounging around the house and playing the piano Mr. Warren very kindly made us cream of wheat which was AMAZING. I have to say i'm obsessed with that cream of wheat now...he also forced me to eat a pancake. Yum. My day was pretty much filled with curling Junie's hair...going to the neighbors for a cup of milk...ha...getting ready and shooting to get ready for the coffee house! It went pretty well, everyone did really good! And I think I actually got my chords down...Julio stole my paper in the middle of it so I had no idea what I was doing for the second song O_o But still, it was alright. Then I played at the end...and...yeah. Geez. I don't think I'm going to do that again haha, spare them all.
Either way, I'm finally home. And I'm tired...and church is tomorrow (:
I miss Jesus, I'm going to spend some time with Him.
Faretheewell, Mandy


Dear Blogger,
No. I did not forget about February 5th's blog, the reason I am writing this late is because I slept over KelLee's last night = No internet! So here we are mean today...heh...was pretty good I suppose.
Another not so good volleyball practice...I got my braces adjusted on Thursday as you know and my gums wouldn't stop bleeding...I felt like a vampire all practice and it was making me sick.
Oh I also had an interview with Eat n Park that morning! Fun stuff. My brother called me in the middle of it -_- But that's okay, I think it went pretty well.
Then I went to practice at KelLee's church for Saturday nights coffee house! My goodness...I sucked so bad. It was terrible, I didn't/couldn't remember anything. Then after some paranormal activity with cell phones (which I finally figured out btw...) I went to KelLee's house and Junie, KelLee and I all had some good conversation with pie and milk (:

Preeeetty durn good day, Mandy

P.S. I'm totally playing my rubberband instrument in my mouth...that thing hurts like crazy.
P.P.S. I gave Julio his ice cream for his birthdayyy haha..."What!? I thought it kept going.. deceitful ice cream..."

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Dear Blogger,
I just spent
the last...
2 hours...
or more...
on a math test...
that I probably failed...


Driving didn't go well today -_- Let's just say people are jerks and I hate merging.

I saw KelLee today (: Working is more fun when she's there at the barn with me. However...I need to work on my patience for people I don't have so much fun my other co-worker. I'm praying for him, and for myself that I have patience for him...ah.

I'm really tired. I have my second interview tomorrow O_O

Now I'm suddenly awake.

Goodnight lovelys, Mandy

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Blogger,
  • On teen visitation tonight I came to this old mans house. I said "We're from Lighthouse Baptist Church and we're out taking surveys, would you like to take one with us?" He replies with..."I don't know...but I do LIKE little girls...*smiles creepily*" I just stared at him...looked down on my paper and continued with the survey. Can anyone say pedophile?!!?
  • I drove stick again today and got stuck on a hill for 5 minutes. I absolutely do not like trying to GO after stopping...on a hill...with cars behind I let everyone pass me.
  • Levi talked to me today! I miss that boy...ex-hubby of mine...I think he should stay in America. -_- Ha jk...the African's need Jesus!
  • Going back to bulletin number 1....this past summer some old man tried to hug me twice. The things I do to show people Jesus! haha (; No's scary.
Feeling violated, Mandy

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Dear Blogger,
My oh my. So I just now completed like all my school...because earlier today I got distracted by a certain tv show...*cough* bachelor *cough* and didn't finish earlier...boy do I love homeschoolin! Oh well, I actually understood math logarithms!
Mom and I went out to a few stores, my doctors office...and then work!
DETOUR: I also called Eat n' Park back today because they had called me yesterday. I have an interview tomorrow! Praise Jesus! Ahh He's so amazing. And it was funny...because I had filled out 3 applications the day I handed in the one to Eat n' Park. And that one was the only one I decided to write "Barn Slave" in the previous employment section. And he called and was like "Amanda Swink...Oh yeah! Barn slave right?" haha It was great! :RUOTED
Anyway, back to I cleaned all 6 stalls by myself today...but it was good. I had some Jesus time that I don't seem to make time for...gah. Then I went out to feed the outside horses, misty rain spritzing my face, muddy puddles getting all over the gator. Fun rainy day. So I got to Anna and Mahogany's shed and I went to give them hay. And you see...the doors on these sheds, I don't QUITE have to duck to go into them. But almost. So when I threw the hay in, I ended up jumping. My head smacked the top of the door, all the hay dropped and I just sat there in crazy pain for like 10 seconds. I just kept praying because I really didn't want to have a concussion, especially with bible study tonight... head injuries would totally ruin the mood. And I'm pretty sure Jesus instantly healed me (: It didn't hurt, and I can't find a bump or anything. Our Jesus is amazing...I smacked my head so hard, He just can overcome that *Grins*
Bible study was a lot of fun! I had to share my testimony tonight, so after some worship I did...and recently I've been struggling a lot with self satisfaction. Sometimes I feel as if I have "arrived" or I am just satisfied where I am with my walk with Christ. But I really shouldn't be. And it bothers me that I am. Grawr.
And I just found out why Julio didn't come to bible study.

Lame, Mandy

Monday, March 1, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Holy smokes! I drove the stick shift all over today. Craziness. I only stalled it 4 times or I guess that's not horrible...
I did school all morning and then went out with dad to drop off my application at Sophia's! They wanted me to do an interview right there and then (: I'm really hoping and praying I get the job.
Alright so you know that feeling when you feel like you're pestering someone? Yet you continue to do it anyway? You feel annoying, even to yourself, but you just don't stop because...well...I don't even know why. You just don't. And I don't know why I'm talking about...I'm so tired. Either way it's terrible and confusing and just saying words now...
rif raf.

Kind of psychedelic, Mandy

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Dear Blogger,
Church today!
Then I came home and pretty much made this video with Myles all day via skype. BAH. But it's awesome, and he's awesome for making it for me.
Church again!
That's pretty much it. Then I procrastinated a bunch on doing a project and talked to Julio instead.... is tomorrow -_-

bLAH Blah, Mandy

P.S. I totally taught all the lil old ladies in choir to do fist bumps with me instead of handshakes...