Today my book took a big leap! I interviewed for my first (not-under-the-counter) job at Panera Bread. I wasn't nervous until I realized I was running late after I got done with school and had to rush getting ready, before I knew it I had to go! I threw on my favorite pink scarf (which is actually a belt I bought in Mexico) and took off.
You know, since I'm using the metaphor book = life I should write this like a book. Here goes...
I walked in with my brother not far behind, he had very kindly given me a ride to the interview, as he used to work there as well and wanted to say hi to some of the co-workers. After waiting almost 45 minutes (and having quite the lovely little conversation with the cute busboy) for the interview to start the manager finally walked back. The heavy-set man in his late 20's sat down across introducing himself. "Hi, I'm Matt..." and the interview ensued. Through a series of questions and answers in the matter of 15 minutes they closed the interview. "I'll get back to you in about 3 weeks..." he stated as he stood. "Nice to meet you Mandy, we'll give you a call." With a nod of the head, he was back to work and I was walking back towards the door, cell phone in hand.
"Hey!" I turned around to see the busboy walking up to me, his afore inside-out hat was turned right-side in, I secretly wondered if that was against the restaurants regulations. "Did you get the job?" He asked with a grin.
"Um, I'm not sure yet, he said he'd let me know in about three weeks." A slight twinge sadness rang from my voice and I looked at my feet. I kept walking towards the door, and he with me, opening it for me to walk through. "Thank you." I said quietly as he whipped out his rag and spray bottle and started wiping down the doors.
"Three weeks? That's ridiculous." He said, his New Jersey accent pulling the awkwardness out of two strangers meeting.
"Yeah..."I said with a smile as I dialed my brother's number. "Well I have to go," I said, putting the phone up to my ear.
"Well what's your name?" He asked, I noticed just a bit of anxiety rush over his features.
"Well Mandy, I'll put in a good word for you." He said with a wink, I blushed and thanked him as my brother picked up the phone. I walked out to the sidewalk as he told me he was at the grocery store and would be over there soon. I waited outside in the 30 degree weather for about a minute, turned around, and noticed the busboy already had the door open for me. "Get back in here! It's cold outside!" I laughed and briskly walked back into the building.
We had a fun little conversation for a few minutes then where he managed to ask about where I go to school and how old I was, surprised at my age he backed off a little bit. "How old do you think I am?" He asked with a grin.
"19?" I fiddled with my bracelet.
"Close, 20." He said as he sprayed down the door again.
Just then my phone rang again, my brother had arrived. I answered to him singing his own version of Meet Me Halfway by the Black Eyed Peas, asking me to meet him at the car. With a laugh I said goodbye. "I hope you get the job." He stated sincerely as the door closed behind me. I yelled "Thanks!" And ran to the car.
For the next hour we waited at a garage awaiting my brother's car to be realigned. Then once his steering wheel fit his tires we made haste to church.
Love, Mandy