This is what my phone looks like because I fell while skating. -_- ASLDFJKsdkfjsdkfl. I can't stand to look at it, I just want to be done with this post so I can stop looking at it. Bleh. Ick. Mutated phone.
Alright so today I did almost absolutely nothing. Key word = ALMOST. I did some schooly school and then went up the street with my mom so she wouldn't get kidnapped by the guy who is estimating...yeah I won't explain.
After that unexplanatory thing I came back down and headed to Corey's house where Emily, Mom, and I took care of all his animals! Quite fun actually. Haha their cat Betty is so funny...
Nothing else much happened....I made a video... fail ...with Emily...it was horrible. But it's on facebook, because I'm not afraid to exploit my life.
I vacuumed today.
I think it was the most productive thing I did all day...nO WAIT! I made a little color-coded calendar of what I have to do with my English Research Paper this year. How's THAT for productive???? Yeah...didn't think so...
Bored to tears, Mandy