Dear Blogger,
I say, this is the weirdest picture yet...something about my hair and eyes creep me out. *shrugs* oh well.
Did I tell you? Today is my spiritual birthday month! January of 1999 is when Jesus became the ruler of my heart (:
Oh and I totally left out from yesterdays post...that I almost got trampled. I had to bring one of the horses (Frank) in for the night, and meanie horse (J.J.) charged him! Which sent Frank flying into me! Luckily I kept my bearings, and just kept running to avoid the pressure of 1000 pounds on top of me.
Anyway, back to the present. So today was a pretty dang good day. (Hmm..looking back I haven't had a bad one in a while! Thanks Jesus!) It started out with entering in my math score for my midterm (last one of the semester)...I was really scared, and had prayed before I took any of them that I would get at least an 80% on all of them, and I had been getting at least that! But when I entered my test I got a dreaded...78%....AHHHHH. But then I found a question on there that SO TOTALLY could've been either answer (I love multiple choice!) So he gave me the credit bumping my grade up to a whopping 80.5% :D Thanks Mr. W!
After that I did laundry! OH SHOOT, I forgot to take it out...hold on...yay my mommy already took it out for me! Haha, that's awesome...all I have to do now is fold. Woohoo.
My day then proceeded to involve, violin! Which went pretty well for not practicing the whole week. The bank! I now have an ATM card! (ha..) Then the Innes! Hmm...I seem to go to their house a lot. Well Jeremy, Caleb and I all ended up walking down to their one neighbors house...who believe in ALIENS. It's so weird, their whole house is covered in TIN FOIL.
You heard me, stuff you use for cooking. Apparently they're afraid that the aliens will come suck their brains out if their house doesn't look like it's about to be popped in the oven and baked to a crisp. Then we hiked through the woods and found some neat things to build a fort...whenever I hang out with those boys I feel like I'm 10 again, it's AWESOME. We finally found ourselves at the Carvers...we didn't exactly want to go to their house when their parents were home because Mr. Carver doesn't seem to like us coming all the time...so we noticed that they left and we stopped by! (What devilish children we are...) Asher and Austin entertained us and then my mother called and it was time to run back! (Quite literally...and in a skirt too.)
We arrived home where I did laundry...well half of it, and then got ready for church. That's when Alex called me! (Actually like 5 people called me today it was
insane...) But it was quite the enjoyable conversation, he was "in voice" with me while I made my bed and cleaned my room haha.
I headed off to church where we went out on visitation, which was quite grand, I love talking to people about Jesus!
Home. Which is where I am now...typing this...
Because I like to reiterate my life in a blog, Mandy
Caleb and the tinfoil mailbox...