So I waited until RIGHT before I go to bed to take my picture of the day...bad idea...I just kind of let my hair go, and voila. I look like an 80's music video! So i tucked it away fast before the picture...otherwise you'd be staring at a lion.
Enough about me. So today was quite the adventure! I woke up, did everything but math and headed out to our eye appointments! See how tightly knit my glasses are to my facial area? Yup. Adjusted! Plus I got good news! I don't need bifocals...YET. -_-
After being at Lenscrafters for nearly an hour and a half, Emily stealing my wallet and watching me freak out in Giant only to reveal it to me next to the nail polishes, she's a devious one. I saw this kid in Giant texting today, and before I could yell at him for texting while he was working, he put it away...danged whipper snappers.
So I traveled all the way to the pike because we were trying to find a certain pizza restaurant...unfortunately there was a little note on the door that said "Be back at 2pm" I sighed, not only was I not getting pizza...but it was 2:16pm. I suggested filing a missing persons report for the heck of it but instead of worrying over our lost pizzeria man we walked to Ross. I searched high and low for a hamper for my room, to no avail. We didn't have much time so we scooted out of there, and with the pizza man still not back from his travels we high-tailed it to Panera. We enjoyed some delicious meals and then mom and I ran (yes, we actually ran) to Target where I searched for a laundry basket there again. I wandered the halls, and after no luck with the basket I tried for a makeup bag (which I'm in desperate need of...mine is being held together with tape...I got it at a yard sale for 25 cents about 4 years ago...) We ran (yes, ran) back out of target to the car and took off down the road! I drove confidently for once, I could feel the blood of an aggressive driver pumping through my veins. I asked mom if I should tailgate...she said "not yet honey..." I am reassured that there is a day, one sweet day when I will get up on someone else's car, beep the horn, throw my fist........and then apologize profusely of course. Like I said, shenanigans is not my thing! I arrived at the barn before my boss, and 2 minutes late (score!). That's when an amazing surprise walked in! KelLee!! It made me so happy to have someone to talk to during work. We cleaned a bunch of sheds and did stall dances...well, I did stall dances, I finally got KelLee and Josh to join me (: If horses could talk...they would know way too much.
Well, I got home said hi to lil TJ and finished reviewing my whole math chapter + took the quiz. *cross fingers*
Today was a good day (:
My mind has been wandering lately......I really need to focus it more on what's important.
Absent-mindedly, Mandy
P.S. So when I pulled into one of the many parking lots today, I was going a little too fast into a parking spot and (I'm driving a station wagon mind you...it's HUGE) mom shouts "STOP!" right as I stop the car that I thought I hit jerks forward. My life flashed before my eyes. I finally realized that the woman had just slammed her door the same moment I braked...I was only....about an inch from her car...I need to watch my parking.................