Dear Blogger,
So I really don't like this picture of the day, however I'm not taking a new one because right after this picture I got annoyed and lopped off some of my hair. We won't go into that.
Church was today! I'm usually working in Kids Klub during Sunday AM church, which was fun...and a wee bit awkward...Oh! And I had donuts today (: Mmm..vanilla-frosted-strawberry-jelly-filled...
I then took a 40 minute drive to Courtney's where I hung out with Julia, Ashley and her! We made this AwkwardMandy video. Most awkward one yet in my opinion...I stupidly messed up on the video work at one part though...lame.
We went back to church! There was a missionary who preached about the basics, so I had determined before the sermon that I wasn't really going to pay attention. It's funny how God uses these sermons to get to me. I realized I had been going against something I was sure I wasn't going to do anymore...well maybe not totally sure. I didn't want to fret the small stuff anymore. That's what I was doing, worrying about petty arguments, stressing about confused relationships. Instead I need to be just...glorifying God in everything I do and showing other people the greatest thought that ever crossed God's mind. To save me and you.
Sick from eating four poptarts today, Mandy
P.S. I miss Andy Golden, he needs to get on Skype more often and stop working like a bum. d: