This is what my cat does...she's so rude.
GUESS WHAT!!!!?? I was out with my youth group today going door-to-door as we always do. And you see, yesterday morning one of the messages at the bible conference was about the Pentecost and how everyone there prayed about 10 hours a day for 3 days, and somehow that came to about 4 hours of prayer for each soul saved? 3000 were saved? I don't know the numbers, but either way I was itchin to get people to Christ! So I prayed that someone if not multiple people would come to the Lord. Little did I know...
I was with this girl Samantha in my youth group and we were going door to door, mostly being rejected, argued with by Catholics and Methodists, which is kind of fun by the way, and given dirty looks because we interrupted their dinner. Oops.
As we walked to our last two houses I saw out of the corner of my eye this group of girls, two on bikes and the rest were walking, kind of that neighborhood hang out kind of feel that I REALLY miss. We heard them mocking us and laughing about how they thought we were girl scouts selling cookies. It just made me smile.
I was debating whether or not to approach them, I didn't know how old they were, or if Hannah had talked to them already, because they were on her side of the street. I sucked up whatever fear was ailing me, turned around and marched toward them as they yelled out something about Thin Mints.
"I would LOVE some Thin Mints right now, unfortunately I don't have any." I said with a shrug and a smile.
The girls moaned, "we were hoping you were girl scouts! Can we buy some snickerdoodles?" They all burst out in joined laughter.
I laughed with them, "well since we don't have any cookies, would you guys like to take the survey with us?" What seemed to be the "leader" of the girls stepped forward and said "sure" with a smirk. I grinned, this would be fun.
"What's the most important thing in your life?" I watched the girls reactions to the questions, they were acting really arrogant like most almost-teen girls do.
The "leader" girl, who I later found out was Emma, said "FAMILY!" And all the girls laughed along with her, funny how that seemed to be the day.
"What does death mean to you?" All but one of them got a terrified look on their face.
Scared, frightened, freaky, and not ready, were just some of the answers I received from them. One girl said "I know I'm going to heaven, I'm not scared." I asked how she knew that. "I don't do bad stuff." She said simply. Her friends immediately disproved that, all teasing and laughing at her. "Okay, fine...I'm not perfect" She said and folded her arms.
I then went on to ask if they were 100% if they were going to heaven, they said yes at first. I asked how they knew. "Well I go to church sometimes, I don't do bad things."
"And because you're ALMOST perfect, God is going to let you into a completely perfect heaven?" I watched as they all suddenly got a little more serious.
"I guess not..." Emma said, the giggling was no longer evident. I smiled and shared with her about Jesus, and how even though we have sinned He still loves us enough to die for us, and pay that penalty. I explained how every sin we commit has to be paid for, this payment is death. But "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1 John 1:9b She immediately folded her hands and asked if she could pray. I smiled and said "of course" and asked if her friends wanted to pray too. They all nodded and in unison all 5 folded their hands and bowed their heads, I asked them to repeat after me, and to only pray if they meant it in their heart.
They all prayed.
I'm going to see those girls in heaven someday (:
My heart is leaping.
I LOVE doing God's work.
Unworthy, Mandy