Today was just one of those days...I'm generally a happy person, and honestly...I'm still happy, I'm still smiling (: Jesus has given me such strength...and that's one of those things I never cease praying for.
It started off with driving around all day, picking up applications for jobs...which is getting immensely frustrating. I really do need a job. I went to violin, which thankfully we didn't play the piece I was supposed to be practicing. (phew) And the traffic was horrible, especially trying to get out of Sal Val...people need to learn how to use their blinkers.
I went to door-to-door after that and (Thank you Jesus!) I was with Brienna. Some people in my youth group...are so hard to deal with. And I love them, I really do, and sometimes I really hate that I'm so quick to snap at them...it's hard. But I just have to remember Jesus did something 93904839402394 times harder than that for us. And that's what keeps me going.
Unfortunately, no one wanted to hear about Jesus. But as long as we keep at it and spreading His word hopefully we'll plant some type of seed.
Irks of Today:
My little sister can pull on my last wire. She is a blamer, and everything is NEVER her fault. And even if it never was, she makes sure you're aware of that. I love her, very much. But sometimes I want to throw her into a pile of yellow snow. I accidentally deleted everything off of our video camera. I apologized, I couldn't do anything about it. She then continued to scream at me, blame me for ruining our memories, and then ordering me to never use the video camera again. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you little sister.
I got a headache from all the stress of today. It's still here reminding me of my impatience.
A certain somebody wanted me to do a favor for them today that required a lot of emotional battle. I couldn't handle that, after everything I had been through with this person just to take all of that back...the reality of it was overpowering and I couldn't believe he was even asking me to do so...? Either way, I said no. In a nutshell, he told me I was an extremely unkind and uncompassionate person who wasn't close to Jesus. I was aghast at the accusation but it made me question if I am so? I'm sure if I am that wrong with God He would let me know. Is this the persecution Paul talked about? If it's for my benefit, or if it's not, either way I thank you God for it.
My mom got extremely sick with a migraine again. I hate that she get's sick. I loathe it. I want to do evil things to it. Alas, I cannot. I can just pray it goes away forever. So she drove to church to pick us up, and I drove home in the snow...first time for that.
Dauntingly, Mandy
P.S. I love the beautiful and most encouraging Molly Madeira
P.P.S. This certain boy makes me want to give up sometimes. But I won't (:
P.P.P.S I don't know how unbelievers do it.