Why the dark and dismal picture today? I don't know. I didn't take one step out of my home today so I didn't see a need for making myself presentable...that was before I knew we had people coming over.
Corey and his family came over today! His mom wanted to take some of my mom's old homeschoolery books and cut Emily's hair. So me Corey and Brody hung out...kind of awkward, I'm bad at entertaining guys if I'm not that close with them.
I then just sat around all day. It's really bad...I need to work on my research paper...it's due Wednesday. And I haven't even started writing it yet. I think if I just start writing about what I have so far, it'll go on from there...I'm just....not motivated at all.
Dad comes home tomorrow!! He's been gone for 2 months to China!
I had quite the interesting conversation with a certain Brian Jennings Carver...(Alex)...for...*checks phone* 77minutes and 1 second. Ha. Pandas. He's pretty sure the restaurant he works at might hire me! O_O That would make my 2010. That's the ticket. He's probably reading this in the near future...if you are Alex I just have to say...yes. You are a creeper.
I'm really tired...I stayed up till 2am last night working on a fanpage profile picture for AwkwardMandy...AH. I still don't like it.
These chapters seem kind of boring...
Thumb is bleeding, Mandy
P.S. I wrote a song today.
P.P.S. I ate some chocolate jimmies (: