Gearing up for snow! So apparently we're going to get about 15 inches starting now until...tomorrow! Possibly even Sunday as well. So I'm going to start of this chapter with a warning that there may be a chance I won't be able to post anything tomorrow...oh heavens why?! I'm glad you asked, let me explain.
My boss (at the poo job) was going to stay overnight at the barns clubhouse (used to be party central...) so that way she wouldn't have to try to drive to feed the horses in the morning. I suggested me and my friend KelLee stay with her (there are two bedrooms...I don't mind sharing with KelLee :P ) overnight to help her in the morning. However, if the snow continues tomorrow and is still not cleared up, I might be staying there until Sunday! O_O Crazy huh? Therefore, I shall be without internet for the rest of the day, and will be roughin it at the barn :D So I packed a lunch, lots of warm clothes, and after dinner at Brannigan's tonight I'm off to the glorious winter wonderland in the woods.
Back to business, so today was quite fun. I spent almost all morning on math. It seems no matter how hard I apply myself I can't seem to get good grades with my algebra 2. It's horridly frustrating. I did a few other subjects and then remembered, oh no! We're going to the mall and then the Innes today! So i scampered out of my PJ's into some regular clothes and straightened my hair (which is why the picture is facing the way it is...) I drove off the JCPenny's and walked around the mall, observing people, and oh I had the greatest experience!
DETOUR: So, we were out and about around lunch time and mom had told us to eat before we left...but I wasn't hungry then! I bought Subway. But it was all worth the $4.01 (he let me drop the second penny..it was supposed to be $4.02! How kind!) because I gave the man a tract about Jesus after I paid. He just sat there and stared at it with a smile, I knew he didn't know English very well, but his friend leaned over. And soon the line for making subs was stopped because the employee's were so engrossed with this pamphlet! I smiled and asked him to read it for me sometime and he smiled back and continued reading it over with his friend. As I walked away I looked back and he was smiling and waving at me. Either way, I'm staying positive and hoping the best. All I can do is pray for the guy! :RUOTED
Today I went through my facebook inbox. I had over...200 messages in there that I hadn't gone through before. Yeah, I'm really bad about deleting things. So I finally brought myself to it. There were a MILLION messages from my old boyfriend that I was reading through...each one. I didn't think it would effect me, but it did in a way I wasn't expecting. I was suddenly really angry at myself, why did I let myself get so emotionally involved with anything that young? I was naive, and I still am, just a lot more so then. Either way, I am never letting myself and my emotions go so far again. Not until I know that is my husband.
Anyway...so we went to the Innes, but I knew Caleb and Jeremy weren't home that day. So Emily and I walked to the Carvers and hung out with Austin and Asher. We roamed the woods and found random things...all the pictures are up on facebook if you want to see them (;
Now I'm packing, making food, you know... preparations for the weekend!
Today was a good day :D
So far....
Sad that my power cord was just taken away from me for my sister, Mandy