Today I'm going to winter camp! I usually have a blast going, and I usually have either a friend or an outgoing brother to go with me. But this weekend...I'm going alone. By myself. No one there to help me socially ha.
My friend asked me today why I was going then, if I don't know anyone and this whole camp is SO clique oriented, how will I ever make friends? Well...
- The most prominent part of me going to this camp is to grow spiritually. The past three years I have gone I have dealt with things in my heart that had been hindering me from walking with my Saviour. Everything just melts away and I'm able to just communicate intimately with HIM. It's the most amazing experience, and honestly, going without a friend encourages this.
- I can be whoever I want to be. Well, of course I'm going to be myself. But why can't I be a little more outgoing? Those of you who know me pretty much all assume that I'm outgoing quite enough, but I'm not exactly the bravest when it comes to talking to people. As I said Tuesday, I tend to lift other people higher than myself and compare myself to them, instead of Jesus. This needs to be fixed, everyone is on the same level.
- It's fun. Simple as that. Once you get over the fear of making new friends you have an amazing time. Seriously, it's so much fun.
- I'm kind of holding this to an experiment. I'm going to try writing down the names of the people I meet and how they interact and socialize with me when they hardly know me. I kind of feel like a scientist...d:
Alright so since I'm not going to be here all day tomorrow, I can't post a chapter!! AHHH!
Ha. I'm sure you guys will survive. I'll write down all the days happenings in a notebook and rewrite it here when I get home Saturday.
Well, I'm off. No cell phone, no internet. Just me, God, His people, and blessings (:
Very nervously, Mandy