I cannot believe it's the 20th of February already...great scott!
So I pretty much was at church all day babysitting with some other teens for 8 hours. 9am-2:30pm then we took a break and I went to Corey's house...where I sat in his room and watched him lose at modern warfare...d: and then came back from 5:30-7:30 for some more jolly fun.
That was my day.
In short.
Haha...T.J. said today...(whilst talking on a fake phone) "Hello? Oh hi mom. I actually have to make another call. Iight. Iight. *click*" Hahaha I love little kids.
Random Fact of The Day: 6 pieces of pizza + 3 ice cream cone cupcakes + an apple + a bunch of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets = *gag*
Hittin the hay, Mandy
P.S. I'm about to have a phone conversation I really do NOT want to have.....slfkddsl
P.P.S I think these "P.S's" are becoming a new thing for me.