This is the face of a girl not yet introduced to the horrors of shoveling 3 ft worth of snow. I would show you an after shot, but she is lying dead on the floor.
So while everyone else is out of school....you were expecting me to say I STILL had to do school. Well, you're wrong! My planner didn't have anything scheduled on it :D So I was a bum throughout most of the day until...
It was most definitely ridiculous out there!
I bundled myself up, layer after layer, trying so hard to not sweat while indoors. I grabbed the nearest shovel, and slowly opened the door. It felt like a wave of ice had been splashed up on my face. The torrential winds tore across the naked, white plain of a backyard that faced me. I shrugged up into my jacket, and tried to zipper it all the way up, it wasn't working. I had foolishly let my hair stay outside of hat and it was soon covered in ice. I crossed the Hoth like, frozen, exterior. My cheeks burned from being lashed at by the ever foreboding wind. I shoveled around the cars and sidewalk...only for another avalanche to cave in and cover the area again. Oh do I loathe snow when I have to shovel it...
Anyway! It was terrible.
The rest of the day was spent making a new youtube channel! I finally found something I'm good at HA. And this guy get's all the credit for helping me make the background! Oh wait, this one get's credit to because he made the template (: Boy do I love links!
Let me know what you think of the video and comment :D
Quirkingly, Mandy
P.S. It's kind of funny how easily we let down our guard and let people make us feel inferior or unimportant.
Fact of the Day: I enjoy going on online chat rooms (like Uno on facebook) just to talk to people and say things like "oh shucks" "hee haw" "poo" "fiddlesticks".