Day number 40! How fantasmical!
How are you on this blustery day? Feeling blue? Maybe a little sick of snow? I sure am! After working at the barn today I just had to shovel and shovel...to NO AVAIL. Really, it was falling faster than we could shovel. My brother Jacob got a hernia from shoveling! It's death to us all!
On a less dramatic scale...today was a good day I suppose. Woke up early, had some amazing Jesus time (: Got school done and watched some Bachelor. I then tried to shovel a little bit before tonights snow came...I gave up soooo fast ha! Then it was off to work for me after watching some kid shows for my imagination to grow. (Or die..?)
I helped clean all the stalls, make dinner and bring in the horses and then my boss had to hurry and drive me home! The snow was falling so fast that even though I cleaned her car off 3 times it still looked the same by the time we left! It's like trying to cut grass with scissors..impossible.
I came home and helped mom make waffles with strawberries, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream on top (: Mmmmm....and then I had some white hot chocolate with whip cream. So good. Now let's just pray the power doesn't cut out.
So very cozy, Mandy
P.S. I made a snow angel in the road today...
P.P.S. I really think I'm a texting creeper. I need to stop with the tenacious texting of people I like talking to. I apologize if you have been a victim of this horrid condition.