Why hello! So this chapter was such a FUN chapter to read. Seriously, oh my word...it was fun (:
- Rif Raf!
- Umbilical cord of Lovveee
- Vitamin J-unie and J-ulio
So tonight was just pretty crazy. As you can see above...
Well today church was canceled! ): So I went roller skating for Junie's birthday! Happy birthday Junie! He's 15 now, pretty cool kid. So, after a fun and jolly time skating we headed to KelLee's house and jammed for a bit, had a nice quiet conversation with KelLee and the guinea pigs (freaky guinea's...) And they always have pie when I'm over there! It's crazy, and the apple pie was gooooood.
We then headed to a superbowl party where Julio, KelLee, Junie and I pretty much played some really bad poker and were extremely tired and hyper...some craziness there. Then...(warning: bunny trail...)wow sorry if I'm so spaced out writing this...I'm in shock...I just found out a friend of mine is getting married O_O Crazy. Anyway!....So we then went downstairs and watched some of the superbowl (mostly commercials..:P ) And pretty much Junie and Julio were attached by an umbilical cord of love all night...and went to the bathroom attached.....it was so funny.
Smoothies were involved! Which made everything amazing.
Either way, it was awesome.
God, thanks for the awesome day (:
Rif raf, Mandy
P.S. I fell on my phone today and the front screen is cracked ): ah.
Me and Chris!! we're so white.