As seen in the picture on the right I'm sporting it hippie style today...well, I guess you can't see it very well, but I am wearing a headband!
So, today after sleeping in to a glorious 9:45!!! Yeah so...whoa...why is this Courier? I picked GEORGIA! Oh well, font troubles I suppose.
Then after hanging out with Kristen and Manthaniel (her little brother) for a while we got all purdied up and headed out to my church where we enjoyed a nice tea party full of food, fun, and friends (a good party). Also, some good speaking on purity. That message was really good, and yes, I have heard it all before...being pure...yadda yadda. However, purity (not just physically) is something I need to make a higher priority. So I'm striving to become a pure woman outside AND inside. I want to be someone who people see Jesus through...I want HIM to be proud of me.
You ever notice I always wear that necklace? It's a purity ring, I wear it around my neck...but hopefully I'll be wearing it on my ring finger soon...I'm allergic to the stupid metal ):
Striving to be better, Mandy
P.S. Expanding- Jesus calls each and every one of us to be pure in body, mind, and soul. Our over powering free will tries to take control because of our sin nature, but through God we have the power to conquer the want to make bad choices. Sin is fun. No doubt about that, but only for a season, and then brings consequences. From personal experience, the fun in sin has never once, for me, become more powerful than the consequence. God is just. I want to be pure for Him, if for no other reason.