Today was not the best of days, nor was it the worst of days. But let's go with the latter.
I schooled all morning. Attempted to make a video, failed. Went to PSSA's for 3 hours and listened to the same kid as yesterday talk about his life with his girlfriend and "not" taking dirty pictures...?!?!?! And how his dad is an Elvis impersonator and how he hates his life...I feel bad for him and I'm prayin for him :/ Three hours later I headed to the mall where I was clothes shopping there for 3 hours with two bickering people...mom and emily O_o AHHHHHHHHHH. 3 freakin hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is a hectic day. Pray God shows me where He wants me to work, and opens it up for me! Interview tomorrow morning!
Completely head over heels with Jesus, Mandy