Tonight is bachelor night where I catch up on the bachelor (yesterday's episode) on hulu. However, I'm really tired and I think I'm going to skip part 2 and watch that tomorrow d:
Today was less of a bum day. I got up and did a boatload of school, then mom made some grilled cheese pizzas...so good :D
I went to work and got it all done in 2.5 hours. WOOHOO. Well, this means I get paid less...however, I made it to bible study on time! Which was a lot of fun, I really enjoy bible study, I learn a lot and it's good fellowship with teens who actually care about God and following Him (: We're trying to come up with something we can collaborate on and do as a group, like a missionary project...but no one can think of anything. We're praying about it, but your comments could help too (;
So I pretty much had a few fail sayings in bible study tonight...like "sexual revolution! oh wait...i meant..purity rebelution...." and "Serena Gomez!...i mean...Selena?" yeah. it was bad.
It's kind of funny, we let every day pass and we don't think much about it, we look forward to big things like parties and dates but we just let the little moments flash by. I don't want my life to be like that, a lot of times throughout the day I will think "I wish I could remember this moment forever..." but in 5 minutes it's gone. So fast. I need to start writing this stuff down.
Like a vapor, Mandy