Why do I look so bleh? Because I catered for 8 hours today. Marissa, her mom, and I all traveled two hours away with a bunch of teens and moms and scooped food like lunch ladies. Hair nets. Latex gloves. Hand sanitizer.
Way too much mushed up chicken pot pie, coleslaw, pickled pink eggs, rolls, and TastyKake cherry pies...
I feel sick.
Caleb tripped me today. By saying "Trip" and placing his foot out in front of me. Face, meet floor.
A little boy of the age of probably...9 ran his hand down my hip. I feel violated.
I got trashed talked by a 7 year old.
I spent every waking minute since 5:40 this morning with Marissa. And I still love her (:
I was reminded that people are only as cool as your mind portrays them to be.
There's a bunch of random facts for you.......
DYING, Mandy