Today was grand! Yes grand I say, like Pillsbury's cinnamon rolls! The night before I had stayed up late with our missionary friends watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2...I have seen that movie WAY too many times. After hugs and goodbyes they took off, and we were left to various activities...aka SCHOOL. However, after studying for and taking my English exam we left for bible study! Picking up my brother's college friend on the way. Arriving at bible study we all hung out and decided to break into an exciting few rounds of NINJA! (Our youth leader, of course jumping RIGHT in.) After worship we all sat around the rectangular table and proceeded in bible study. A lesson on our generation that is rising, and how certain aspects of our life can dilute our ability to become better little-Christ's aka Christians. We need good Godly 1. Character 2. Competence through Him and 3. Collaboration together. With these three main things we can acheieve such a goal of higher expectations, I want my *book to be one that is read with honor and respect, not one of the ones that gets lost on the library shelves.
In all love, Mandy
P.S. I received quite the letter today from a certain young man...
*remember book = life (;
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