Dear Blogger,
So today! It was amazing, a very blessed devos this morning and then I worshiped our Creator on the piano...I love the piano. My favorite instrument by far.
Breakfast was interesting, I sat with a table I hadn't sat with before, of course. And all the guys were a bit...let's just say...boys. One of them was explaining the nights antics with jumping into showers with other boys...and us girls knew something had gone on with some of them because at 3am that morning apparently a girl was in the bathroom and there was a shower running. She waited to see who would come out of it, it was a guy...clothed in a hoodie and jeans I might add. There was also a pair of boxers in our yard this morning...yeah, I don't
think I want to know.
Something I've noticed, adults seem to be like...magnetized toward me...I don't get it. I'll be talking to a group of teens and then out of the blue I find myself talking for the adult most of the time. Why? One of the many unanswered questions of life I suppose.
We had some fun competitions at the activity center where I totally owned in rockwall climbing...just saying...
And yeah.
That's about it, because I don't feel like going into super detail.
Oh, and I have a facebook again, thanks to a Mr. Adam Preim...ium. gasoline. (Sorry, I know I know, I had to do it.)
Departure was such sweet sorrow, and this guy Mikey
who I had hung out with all weekend ever so nervously asked for my number, it was kind of funny...he hasn't texted or called yet...haha.
Oh and by the way. I learned that I am extremely prideful, and for that I most certainly apologize. I never really realized the way I am until I actually LOOK at myself and what I say. You see there were a few incidences that really helped me out with this. One time was with this girl in our cabin, she wasn't exactly considered the "coolest" girl or the "prettiest" girl but she was sweet...and a little on the quiet side. She had forgotten her pajama pants and was sleeping and wearing the same pair of jeans for the whole week without uttering a complaint even once. I had brought an extra pair of sweat pants. I debated on letting her borrow them for a whole 5 minutes, it pains me to know I took that long considering it! I let her borrow them of course, but just the fact that I was reluctant in the first place? Guilt just consumed
Another time was with this guy from the church I went with. He had never really talked to me, and I never understood why, actually he was kind of a jerk to me the last time I had saw him. I was willing to give him another chance of course, and tried talking to him. He just did one of those numbers where he looked at me...mumbled something and walked away without a smile. This really intrigued me about him for some reason and I kind of creeped on him, well not really...I just observed him to see if he did that to anyone else. The fact was he only did it to certain peo
ple. I talked to Carlos about it a little bit because he was in the same cabin as him and they were friends. Carlos just said that this guy just assumed that every girl liked him and was a ladies man. I was confused by this because usually if a guy is a ladies man (and DOESN'T have a girlfriend...HE DOES.) that he would be flirting or something of that nature, or at least smile when someone talks to him! That's when he said "Hey Amanda, you see...*insert name of guy here* thinks he's better than most people, so much better that he wouldn't give you the time of day because you're not pretty enough, he goes for hott girls, not average girls, even as just friends." I was a little taken aback by this at first, Carlos just called me average...thanks a lot. However, English is his second language...but....I'm glad he did. This really helped me realize what I do to other people all the time. I take one look at them, and decide if they're worth my time or not. It's wrong, and I don't want to be like that guy.
Actually an example of this was when I sat at that guy, Mike,'s table. It was the table in the far back and all the guys kind of looked....a little socially awkward. My first assumption was that there was no reason to go there because they will all just stare at me weirdly and I'll be creeped out. What Would Jesus Do. Thinking of that phrase, I sat down and made conversation. They turned out to be some of the coolest kids there, and I'm glad I did what I did.
Well, I'm done droning on so I hope you enjoyed this little rant.
Exhaustingly, Mandy
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