A Saturday isn't a school day! Alas, for a homeschooler ANY day can be a school day. I did school all day in great anticipation of the evening. Christy's birthday party was a shoe-in for the best day of the week.
The party was like any other party, food, friends, and fun. All three F's make up some of the best parties I've ever been too. After some fun with their antique pump organ and making up our own commercials we decided to play a game of extreme spoons. I, of course always having at least a pack of cards on me at all times, volunteered one of my decks along with Christy's deck as well. We mixed them together and with 13 people played the most epic game of spoons in the history of ANYONES book. (that's right...I said it..)
The spoons were placed outside, across the snow laden yard, into the frozen birdbath that was approximately 30 feet away. Shoe and sock were thrown aside and the cards started speeding around the circle of teens. Two Queens...Three...I only needed one more...FOUR! I jumped up, which instantly triggered everyone else in the room to do the same. Cards were flying everywhere, limbs flailing, I knew I had kicked a few people by the time I made it to the door and whipped it open, revealing to the cold dark world that there were 13 ravenous teens mowing each other down for a piece of concave metal.
My first attempt at grasping a spoon I ended up with three! I threw two back and as I slipped and slid all over the snowy ground, made it back to the warm house, panting. I grinned and stared at the shiny piece of metal that kept my hand at a freezing temperature. I had won.
Most Freezingly, Mandy
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