This picture is extremely bright just because I straightened my hair = sitting on the floor in front of my mirror/window watching hulu. Want to know something funny? My hair style changes like...23048 times a day. Like all the time, crazy.
So today! Yes, let's proceed with telling the events of today. I did like one subject of school and stopped. I had two more to do and....I never got to them. Nope, saving them for another day, I'm a horrible procrastinator.
I went to violin and had a decent practice, then I drove off with mom to the Innes house! Turns out Caleb was sick so mom was just going in fast. I sat down at the bottom of the steps and Caleb was at the top, and Jeremy was in the hallway and we discussed the horribleness of snow and what's going on with our volleyball team...*sigh*
After that we headed off to Barnes and Noble and I bought the soundtrack to (500) Days of Summer like MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER. And the soundtrack is amazing. It made my day because I thought I only had $15 on my gift card but turns out! I have $11 after buying it!!! YAY!
Then I walked over to Panera bread and talked to the manager...who completely told me that it was a no. *sigh* So I stopped into the restaurant I had applied at left a note there too! "(my number) Amanda S -I'm homeschooled! (; -" So hopefully they'll call back...
I headed back home to try to do school but just ended up talking to someone on skype *COUGH* ANDY *COUGH* the whole time and folding laundry, what jolly fun!
I had lunch with my mom at Arby's today by the way...I love my mommy (: She's a good one she is. Honestly, I take her for granted way to much, really. I do. Hey, I have a challenge for all you readers of this book out there, and I'll do it too. Do something special for your mom every day, just little somethings or big somethings if you want to do something extra special, try it out...you'll make her day (:
So after church today I realized I pretty much haven't been sticking to my commitments of getting up early and spending my mornings with my Creator. So I'm doing that from now on, with my Creator every morning. Help me stick to it :/ I want to be translucent. I want people to see straight through me, all of my so-called achievements and talents, I want them to all fade away and point to Him.
If only my flesh would let me...
Just a wee big distraught, Mandy

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