I finally remembered! It's about time.
I look like an elf in this picture.
But no really I woke up this morning with a ginormous migraine. It was killer. I ended up passing out on my floor after taking some Excedrin and praying for healing. It went away (: Thank you Jesus!
I was still feeling really nauseous and sick when I went to volleyball so I didn't do much of the workouts and such, however it was a decent practice I suppose. Andrew was the only one who showed up to coach (for the seniors)...it was ridiculous! We were missing a lot of kids too, but he handled it well! So it was good. I feel like none of us are ready for the tournament...in the least. I won't be here next practice because I'll be in Florida, and I'm afraid it will be a disaster. That's what happens when coaches leave :/
After slumming it around at my house, not doing school..heh. Opa came over! You see, I never get to see my extended family, I only see my grandfather about twice a year. So it was really nice to see him and everything...but my friend also really wanted me to take pics at his show tonight. So I spent some time with my Opa and then dad was kind enough to drive me to camphill for Derek's show! I didn't get many good pictures, but that's because of the lighting! (At least I can blame the lighting..heh.) But yeah, there are two of the pictures of many. Most of them are on my facebook!
It was fun. But really awkward considering I was sitting between him and his ex and they were talking to each other hahaha. Oh well it was fun (:
Excited for the future, Mandy
P.S. Look what my cat did to me today! Not purposely...she lost her balance and fell...taking my legs along with it. There's more on the other leg too...

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