So um...pretty much I'm writing this at noon and not at the end of the day because my house is out of power! *cheers* -_- So that's why this picture is in Giant.
Well I'll write what's gone on today and I might edit this post later with more information of the festivities tonight!
So this morning was weird...see I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I had turned my phone off the night before....why did it turn on!? It was freaking me out. Then some strange beep kept going off every minute and I had no idea where it was...or what it was. I recorded the sound on my phone just in case it was aliens...I would be famous. Well I finally got some more sleep and wondered why my alarm clock didn't go off. Mom finally came in and told me that the power was gone. Joy.
So we headed out to breakfast, looking gross as you can see. Then we stopped by a restaurant where I could pick up an application. And now I'm here. Waiting...oh yeah, I went to the doctors too. Apparently I have a lot of chest muscle spasms, looks like I can't laugh too hard or it starts to hurt haha...strange...I guess I am destined to be sad.
Alright well I'm signing off for now, but I still want to write about tonight at the Golden's church!
Un-showered and smelly, Mandy
Why hello! Well to finish out my day, I got my hair cut! I have bangs now...that are like...1960s bangs...heh. And then I biked to Brannigan's house! Where we played rockband and I was accused of being Dillon over Xbox. Heh. (by the way our power did come back on...)
Then I went to the Golden's church! Bunches of fun with Andy and Matt d:
P.S. I replied to that certain boy...with the certain letter...with a certain answer...that will remain a mystery...to you....unless you know...the answer....haha (;
i know i know! =]