Why hello. Greetings and salutations! Howdy.
Today I slept in again...I really cannot wake up on time anymore :/ I think it's because of the sun, it doesn't like to greet me in the morning...which makes me sad. See the sadness? Yup. Sad.
Oh by the way, like the bangs? Yeah I haven't had my hair like this in a while...and they don't seem to cooperate. Oh Landon. Yes...I named my hair Landon, I know....strange. But it's the only way I can yell at it.
So after school today I cleaned! And cleaned a lot, and then I went to work. Which was really quick, I was only there for 2.5 hours, it didn't take me too long to do all the chores. Which made me happy. See the happiness? Yup. Happy. Then I scurried home with just enough time to eat, get cleaned up and head out to the Golden's church again! It was amazing, we worshipped and then watched a video and it really made me realize that I compare myself to other people too often, whether I think I'm better than them, or less than them...I should be comparing myself to Jesus. ONLY Jesus. I am His masterpiece...I want Him to mold me.
After quite the lovely chat with my good friend Brianna and some prayer with our Most High, we played some ninja! Quite fun.
Now tonight I talked to a couple Andrew's and I'm headed to bed.
Talk to you tomorrow (:
Humbled before the Uncreated One, Mandy
P.S. So I forgot to add this...when we were leaving the Golden's church I started the car and noticed that a friend from bible study, Johnny, was getting into his car beside me. He's quite the vertically challenged 19 year old and he was teasing me about my driving as he slowly got in his car. I pulled away before he was fully in the door and I felt a THUMP-UMP. My eyes got all wide and I yelled, "I RAN OVER JOHNNY!!!" Luckily Johnny was safely in his car and driving away, we circled back to the spot and noticed my mom's bible laying on the ground (she was complaining earlier that she was disappointed she had left it at home). We picked up the good Word and she ended up thanking me, for without running it over, she would have never knew she dropped it.
Hahaha... I seriously laughed out loud for like 3 whole minutes after the part about Landon. Love it!