So last night I went to KelLee's and we had a fun craft day with our masquerade masks! I'm so excited for the dance Friday (:
I also got my 1adaymyles shirt from Kells that Myles had dropped off there! YAY! Now I can advertise (:
So I was applying for a grocery store today when this old man sits down at the Blood pressure analyzer and is like "hmm..I don't know if this thing will work." and I say, "why's that?" and he's like "It's not going to be very accurate with this beautiful girl sitting in front of me!" I was like "O_O heh...heh...I'm sure you'll be fine" and he's like "I'm going to have to cover my eyes the whole time!" And he did -_- hahaha. Old men. So funny...always hitting on me o-O
So I was praying outside of the store today and I was chatting with Jesus...just asking Him to help me not limit Him in choosing where to get a job, and for Him to lead me where He wants me to go. I opened my eyes. And there lay Arby's. (NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo)So yeah...I went in and asked if they were hiring, of course the response would be "YES YES! HERE IS AN APPLICATION! DO YOU WANT TO BORROW A PEN?!!?" -_-
Then they asked me to have an interview.
Got me a free drink.
Sat me down.
Talked about the minimum wage pay.
And how I might have to work at 5am, and sometimes leave at 2am.
Either way I'm not thrilled, but I'm going back Friday for another interview :/ If this is God wants me missions field to be then so be it! I shall do it with a happy heart (:
My knee hurts sooo bad, Mandy
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