Today was filled with TESTING! -_- I hate stupid state testing. It's ridiculous and I'm there for freakin 4 hours. Either way I don't think I failed as much as I thought I would d:
I had subway today (:
I also fell down the stairs...surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) this happens about twice a month. Thin socks + Carpeted stairs = me falling. Oh it's fun, I'm going to punch a hole in the wall one of these days.
It was so freakin hot today! It's like winter went away with a snap of a finger and summer decided to skip over spring!! But the trees are green now (: And lilacs are out and it's glorious and purple...yellow...green, even some blue! I love summer so much.
Random Fact: I talk to myself. No really...all the time. Especially when I'm working at the barn by myself, I mean...I could say I'm talking to the horses...but really I'm having full out conversations with myself! Let me explain, if I'm really excited about talking to someone or have to ask someone something...I will completely go over the whole conversation in my head, guessed responses and all. I know...it's weird. The conversations never go as planned d:
Folden some LAUDREY!YY!!!, Mandy
I do the EXACT SAME THING! And its so true... the conversations never turn out the way they do in my head :P Glad to know I'm not the only one though! :)
ReplyDeletesometimes when I am trying to sleep, I write letters to people. When I wake up though, I can never remember what I said. haha